
Best Practices, process with all documents required to understand and implement an ASWF. If you are looking for a leading edge initiative that will drive profits up and reduce turnover, this deserves a look. Includes two PPTs – “Why an ASWF” (CX4 – 18 slides) and a Road Map for implementing an ASWF (CX12 – 31 slides). In Word, a one page process flow (CX14), and supporting list of Q and As from an employees’ perspective (CX6 – 7 pages). Combination of PowerPoint and Word – 56 pages / slides altogether.


Our All Salaried Workforce (ASWF) guide provides a Best Practices approach to understanding and implementing an ASWF model. This leading-edge initiative can increase profits and reduce turnover. The package includes two PowerPoint presentations: “Why an ASWF” (18 slides) and a Road Map for implementation (31 slides). Additionally, it features a one-page process flow and a comprehensive employee Q&A document to ensure a smooth transition. Combination of PowerPoint and Word – 56 pages / slides altogether.  

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Combination of PowerPoint and Word

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