
This Best Practices initiative outlines a process to motivate employees, with guidance, to create or update their own job descriptions – and without paying overtime. After all, who knows better than the employee in the job? The package includes a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (MC76 – 15 pages) and the Job / Position Description Policy (MC70 – 11 pages). Using a five-phase approach outlined in this material, detail is included on how to launch a communications strategy, provide employees with reference materials they will require, and follow-up. At project conclusion, your company will have accurate job descriptions for all positions and inspired employees that will appreciate they were asked for input. Throughout the project – whoever is assigned as project lead maintains control. In Word – 26 pages altogether.


This policy details required components of effective Exempt and Non-Exempt job descriptions and includes Core Competencies. For supervisory/leadership positions, an additional section is required that expands on duties expected of that role. This policy includes a sample Exempt Managerial job description as well as a Non-Exempt example. A Best Practices initiative for many reasons. In Word – 11 pages.

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