
This package (PK11) transforms a tactical process into a powerful, Best Practices tool for strategic manpower planning backed by data.  Based on consistent usage of the provided information in accompanying Policy (JL11- 3 pages and two exhibits in Excel).  One is JL12 – an Excel document that includes a comprehensive list of Voluntary and Involuntary Termination reasons – and easily integrated into your company’s existing codes.  Finally, (JL13 – 3 pages if printed out), is an Excel spreadsheet in which your data can be input.  The resulting information may be used for manpower planning, and with enough data – predictive analysis.  Imagine being able to anticipate with near certainty the best month to implement a new initiative, or being aware in advance of likely issues so that training or other mitigating factors might be employed in advance?  This package offers that possibility.  Why not convert a routine tactical exercise into a strategic advantage?  This easy to implement package is a combination of Excel and Word – 7 pages.


This package (PK11) transforms a tactical process into a powerful, Best Practices tool for strategic manpower planning backed by data.  Based on consistent usage of the provided information in accompanying Policy (JL11- 3 pages in Word and two exhibits in Excel).  One is JL12 – an Excel document that includes a comprehensive list of Voluntary and Involuntary Termination reasons – and easily integrated into your company’s existing codes.  Finally, (JL13 – 3 pages if printed out), is an Excel spreadsheet in which your data can be input.  The resulting information may be used for manpower planning, and with enough data – predictive analysis.  Imagine being able to anticipate with near certainty the best month to implement a new initiative, or being aware in advance of likely issues so that training or other mitigating factors might be employed in advance?  This package offers that possibility.  Why not convert a routine tactical exercise into a strategic advantage?  This easy to implement package is a combination of Excel and Word – 7 pages.

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